Air Void Analysis

Hardened Air Void Analysis

DRP routinely conducts air void analyses in accordance with the modified point count method outlined in ASTM C457, Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void System in Hardened Concrete. We offer two options for this test. In the first, we determine the proportions (in volume percent) of paste, aggregate and air. In the second, we determine all the parameters of the void system. This includes the volumetric percentages of aggregate, paste and air as well as key parameters for durability in freeze thaw environments, such as the spacing factor and specific surface.

Oblique reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface showing concrete with 6% air and sound air void system parameters.

Oblique reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface showing concrete with excessive air (16%).

Oblique reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface of non-air-entrained concrete with 3% air. The red arrows show examples of voids.

Oblique reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface showing water voids (red arrows).

Oblique reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface showing very fine voids (red arrows and bars) in core with 3.4% air and adequate spacing factor and specific surface. The blue arrow and bar indicate a grain of fly ash.

Reflected light photomicrograph of polished surface showing void (yellow lines) around a steel bar.

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